Leading Data Acquisition System Manufacturers

Data acquisition systems, shortened to DAS or DAQ, are systems designed to convert analog waveforms into digital values, so that they can be used for processing. In other words, they take abstract data and record it in such a way that humans can interpret it and use it. Read More…

Data Acquisition Systems Data acquisition systems, shortened to DAS or DAQ, are systems designed to convert analog waveforms into digital values, so that they can be used for processing. In other words, they take abstract data and record it in such a way that humans can interpret it and use it.

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Data acquisition systems, often referred to as DAS or DAQ, are designed to convert analog signals into digital data for processing. This conversion allows abstract data to be recorded and interpreted by humans. Industries that utilize this technology include aerospace, medicine, wastewater management, and industrial manufacturing.

In these fields, operators use DAQ software and instruments for tasks such as data measurement, monitoring, and recording. These systems enable manufacturers to read data, test a wide range of technical products, and make informed process adjustments. Operators can input data about various parameters, including gas pressure and voltage, using DAQ software.

Common applications of data acquisition software include flight data acquisition, structural dynamics testing, local electronic data capture, and data collection via PC-based systems and chart recorders. Another frequent application is the use of central web-based systems for clinical trial data collection, such as monitoring wastewater toxicity and treatment responses. Overall, data acquisition systems are primarily used for measurement and testing in field studies, research, and product troubleshooting.


Data acquisition systems have been evolving since the 1960s, beginning with IBM’s development of early computer hardware. In 1963, IBM introduced the IBM 7700 Data Acquisition System, the first of its kind. Just a year later, they followed up with the IBM 1800 Data Acquisition and Control System, which included a disk storage component, setting it apart from its predecessor.

The next major advancement came in 1981 when IBM combined data acquisition technology with personal computing. This innovation resulted in the IBM Personal Computer and Scientific Solutions, marking the first data acquisition system integrated with PC technology.

Today, data acquisition systems are far more advanced. They have become smaller, simpler, and significantly more powerful. Modern systems are typically electronic and capable of processing multiple input channels simultaneously. The market for these systems continues to expand annually.

How It Works

Data acquisition involves sampling and converting physical or electrical phenomena into digital data for computer processing. These phenomena can include voltage, current, sound, fluid flow, gas pressure, force, temperature, and light intensity.

The process of data acquisition generally follows these steps:

  1. Data Collection: Sensors capture the data from the physical or electrical phenomena.
  2. Signal Conditioning: The captured data is sent to signal conditioning circuitry, which converts it into an analog input.
  3. Analog-to-Digital Conversion: Analog signals are then transformed into a digital format by analog-to-digital converters.
  4. Data Input: The digital data is input into software, where it can be accessed and managed using data acquisition software.

Data Acquisition Software Programs

There are several programming languages commonly used in data acquisition systems, each with its own strengths. Historically, Pascal and Lisp were favored for their simplicity and ease of use. BASIC, known for being beginner-friendly, was also widely used in early data acquisition applications. As technology progressed, C++ emerged as a leading choice due to its efficiency, control, and extensive libraries for hardware interfacing. LabVIEW, with its visual programming language, became popular for its intuitive graphical interface, which simplifies the creation of complex data acquisition systems. Java, recognized for its platform independence, offers flexibility and portability across various operating systems.

Each language has specific advantages depending on the needs of the data acquisition system. Pascal, Lisp, and BASIC are ideal for simple tasks and rapid prototyping. C++ excels in performance optimization and low-level control for demanding applications. LabVIEW’s visual approach is excellent for developing user-friendly interfaces and managing complex workflows. Java’s platform independence is beneficial in multi-platform environments. The choice of programming language should align with the system’s requirements, the complexity of the application, and the developers’ expertise.


Researchers use various methods to collect data, with some of the most common being personal computer (PC) data acquisition, universal serial bus (USB) data acquisition, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

PC data acquisition encompasses systems and devices that need to connect to a host computer to download and operate effectively. Most data acquisition systems utilize some form of PC-based method.

USB data acquisition, while technically a form of PC data acquisition since it involves plugging a USB device directly into a computer, stands out as a distinct method. It relies on USB devices, which act as a serial bus to connect and communicate between data acquisition devices and host controllers, typically computers. USB data acquisition systems offer benefits such as higher bandwidth (up to 12 megabytes per second) and the capability to power peripheral devices, requiring only a single cable for connection through a USB port.

SCADA systems are sophisticated setups that manage and control processes using a combination of hardware and software. They allow operators to monitor multiple sites over extensive distances. However, there are concerns about their vulnerability to cyberattacks. SCADA systems use various devices and software, including serial ports, USB ports, parallel ports, graphical user interfaces, and networked data communications. They may also interface with machinery or process plants through discrete PID controllers or programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and perform real-time calculations using remote terminal units (RTUs) and networked modules connected to field actuators and sensors.

Equipment Components

Three key components of data acquisition systems are sensors, signal conditioning circuitry, and analog-to-digital converters.

Sensors are crucial for these systems, acting as transducers that detect and convert physical data into electrical signals.

Signal conditioning circuitry, or signal conditioners, processes the signals from the sensors, converting them into a more manageable form suitable for digital conversion.

Analog-to-digital converters complete the conversion process, transforming the conditioned sensor signals into digital values.

Data acquisition systems may also include additional tools or devices, such as data acquisition cards, data logger software, temperature recorders, and remote terminal units (RTUs).

Data acquisition cards are electronic hardware that interfaces with a computer, either by direct connection or, in some cases, independently. They bridge the gap between sensor signals and computer processing, often incorporating components like RAM, ADC, high-speed timers, multiplexers, and TTL-IO.

Data loggers, or data recorders, are devices designed to store data. They include serial communication systems and plug-in boards, and can function independently of a computer.

Temperature recorders, a type of data logger, specifically measure temperature. They can be powered by digital, analog, or mechanical sources, and the collected data is then downloaded to a computer for use in meteorological monitoring and laboratory research.

Remote terminal units (RTUs), also known as remote telecontrol or telemetry units, connect physical objects and phenomena to SCADA or distributed control systems. Controlled by microprocessors, RTUs manage connected devices by sending and receiving messages and telemetry data from the master system.


Data acquisition systems provide essential benefits across various fields and industries. They enable real-time data collection and monitoring from multiple sources, ensuring efficient and accurate data acquisition. This capability allows researchers, engineers, and scientists to gather valuable insights and make informed decisions based on dependable information. Additionally, these systems support high-speed data capture, which is crucial for recording rapidly changing signals and events that manual methods might miss. They also facilitate the storage of large data volumes for future analysis, aiding retrospective studies and long-term trend evaluation.

Another significant advantage is their compatibility with a wide range of sensors and instruments, enabling the acquisition of diverse data types such as temperature, pressure, voltage, and flow rate. This adaptability makes data acquisition systems suitable for various applications, including industrial automation, scientific research, environmental monitoring, and quality control. They often feature signal conditioning modules to ensure accurate measurements by addressing noise, amplifying signals, and filtering data.

Moreover, these systems offer real-time visualization and analysis, allowing users to monitor data as it is collected and make immediate adjustments if needed. This real-time feedback is particularly crucial for applications requiring swift responses, such as process control and safety monitoring.

In summary, data acquisition systems enhance data accuracy, boost efficiency in data collection and analysis, improve decision-making, and enable automation. By leveraging these systems, organizations and individuals can achieve better performance, optimization, and advancements in their respective fields.

Design Customization

Programmers can create custom data acquisition systems tailored to a customer’s unique needs by addressing several key factors. First, they must thoroughly understand the customer’s requirements and the system’s purpose. This involves collecting details on the data types, sampling rates, sensors or instruments to be used, and any specific data processing or analysis needs.

Next, programmers select the appropriate hardware components, including sensors, signal conditioning modules, and ADCs that match the system’s requirements. They also evaluate computer interface options, such as communication protocols (e.g., USB, Ethernet, wireless) and required data transfer rates.

In software development, programmers choose the programming language or environment that best aligns with the customer’s needs and their own expertise. They consider factors like control level, performance, ease of use, and availability of libraries or frameworks for hardware interfacing.

Programmers also design with scalability and expandability in mind, ensuring the system can easily integrate new sensors or instruments and accommodate future modifications. They focus on creating modular software to support these changes.

Usability and user interface design are critical as well. Programmers aim to develop intuitive interfaces that allow users to configure the system, monitor data acquisition in real-time, and perform data analysis effectively. This includes features such as data visualization, alarms, data logging, and export options.

Throughout the development process, programmers work closely with the customer to gather feedback, make necessary adjustments, and incorporate additional features. They conduct regular testing and validation to ensure the system meets the customer’s requirements and performs reliably.

By considering these factors and maintaining close collaboration with the customer, programmers can build custom data acquisition systems that meet specific application needs, enabling effective data collection, analysis, and utilization.

Safety and Compliance Standards and Organizations

In the United States, data acquisition systems must adhere to various safety and compliance standards to ensure the reliability, accuracy, and safety of data collection processes. Key standards and regulations include:

National Instruments (NI) DAQ Hardware Compliance: National Instruments, a leading provider of data acquisition hardware and software, establishes compliance standards for their DAQ products. These standards cover electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and environmental requirements to ensure the safe and reliable operation of their systems.

National Electrical Code (NEC): Published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the NEC sets safety standards for electrical installations in the U.S. It includes guidelines for wiring, grounding, and protection against electrical hazards. Compliance with the NEC ensures that data acquisition systems meet essential electrical safety standards.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): OSHA sets workplace safety standards across various industries in the U.S. Depending on the specific application, data acquisition systems may need to meet OSHA regulations concerning electrical safety, hazardous location classification, personal protective equipment (PPE), and other safety guidelines.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards: Although IEC standards are not specific to the U.S., many are internationally recognized and adopted. These standards cover aspects such as electrical safety (IEC 61010), EMC (IEC 61326), and environmental testing (IEC 60068). Compliance with IEC standards might be required or recommended for data acquisition systems in the U.S., depending on the industry and application.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations: In industries like pharmaceuticals and medical devices, data acquisition systems may need to comply with FDA regulations. For instance, systems involved in clinical trials or medical research must adhere to FDA requirements related to data integrity, security, and privacy.

Organizations and developers must be familiar with the specific regulations and standards relevant to their industry and application. Ensuring compliance with these standards helps meet safety requirements, mitigate risks, and maintain data accuracy and integrity. Engaging with experts, staying informed about regulatory changes, and conducting thorough testing and validation are essential for compliance.

ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) are two key organizations involved in developing and promoting standards for various industries, including data acquisition systems.

  • ANSI: As a private, non-profit organization, ANSI coordinates the development of voluntary consensus standards in the U.S. ANSI does not directly develop standards but accredits Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) that create them. ANSI-approved standards are widely recognized for ensuring consistency, safety, and compatibility.
  • IEEE: This global professional organization focuses on advancing technology in electrical and electronics engineering. IEEE develops technical standards in areas such as data acquisition systems. The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) defines standards related to instrumentation, measurement, and control, covering data acquisition protocols, formats, communication interfaces, and interoperability.

Both ANSI and IEEE standards are crucial for ensuring compliance and interoperability in data acquisition systems. Adhering to ANSI standards demonstrates alignment with best practices and compatibility with other systems. Following IEEE standards provides guidance on technical specifications and system integration.

In summary, ANSI and IEEE contribute significantly to the development and implementation of standards for data acquisition systems. ANSI focuses on standards development and accreditation, while IEEE addresses technical standards in electrical and electronics engineering. Compliance with both sets of standards ensures safety, compatibility, and reliability in data acquisition system implementations.

How to Choose the Right Manufacturer for You

If you’re looking to acquire DAQ software or utilize data acquisition system services, it’s important to connect with a seasoned DAS service provider. To assist you in finding a reliable partner, we’ve compiled a list of reputable data acquisition system suppliers. You can find their details by scrolling to the middle of this page.

Before reviewing our recommended suppliers, we suggest taking some time to outline your application requirements. Consider what you need to measure, whether you need to control it, and any specific requirements such as budget, timeline, safety and compliance standards, delivery preferences, and post-delivery support like installation and training.

Once you have your list of specifications, use it to evaluate the suppliers listed on this page. Compare each supplier’s offerings with your requirements, and select three or four that align with your needs. Reach out to their customer service representatives and discuss your application in detail using your specifications as a guide. After your conversations, choose the supplier that best meets your needs in terms of both price and service quality. Once you’ve made your choice, proceed with the selected provider. Good luck!

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